• Concert
    • Art-Pop
    • Anti-rock


Faux Real (fr) + 4nouki (be)

» tickets


Friday 14.03.25 · 20:30

doors 19:30 · show 20:30

tickets: 15/18€ · ouverture des portes 1h avant le début des concerts · 
doors open 1 hour before concert start time · accessible aux articles27 · 
les préventes se clôturent la veille de l'événement à 17:00 · pre-sales close the day before the event at 5pm


It's hard to pin down Faux Real. The Franco-American duo, comprised of brothers Elliott and Virgile Arndt, have been steadily broadening the scope of their project. Their high-octane DIY performances, involving matching cut-up boiler suits lined with fringe, barefoot dance routines, and crowd-splitting high- kicks, are taking on a more established and ever more unhinged form — think Iggy Pop meets campy Eurodance boyband. 

Recorded between Paris, Provence, London, New York, and Los Angeles, Faux Ever is the boiling down of countless demos, and honors Faux Real’s love of puns. 

Exploring themes of pastiche, hustle culture, anxiety and authenticity with an often brutalist sound — and en franglais (s’il vous plaît!) 

At the core of Faux Ever, Faux Real interrogate what constitutes “real” art, and seek a home within their practice. They have built an entire philosophical framework, acting as a duo of alternative jesters infiltrating the pop space. Toeing the line between undeniable pop potential and an off-kilter flair lies at the core of everything they do. That said, no one really knows what is real and what is faux, and that’s the magic of it all.

4nouki (be)

EN - Based in Brussels, 4nouki produces an electronic project somewhere between experimental art-pop and ambient music. Her debut EP Fallen Angel, released in autumn 2023 on Marseilles-based Olga Productions, unveils a dreamlike universe in which vaporous synth strings and field recording mingle with melancholy pop-sung melodies. Also a visual artist, she accompanies her songs and live performances with 3D projections, immersing the spectator in her fantastical universe.

FR - Basée à Bruxelles, 4nouki produit un projet électronique quelque part entre l'art-pop expérimental et la musique ambiante. Son premier EP Fallen Angel, sorti à l'automne 2023 sur le label marseillais Olga Productions, dévoile un univers onirique dans lequel cordes de synthé vaporeuses et field recording se mêlent à des mélodies pop-chanté mélancoliques. Également artiste visuelle, elle accompagne ses chansons et ses performances live de projections en 3D, immergeant le spectateur dans son univers fantastique.