• Science & Cocktails


Science & Cocktails #28

Tom Lenaerts (ulb) + ALEA(s) (be)

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doors: 19:30 · talk: 20:30 · concert: 22:00 · 8€ include a cocktail (or a soft)

Game Theory: to cooperate or not to cooperate?

Game theory is a field at the border between Psychology and Mathematics, where the players in question are not necessarily opposed to each other, but have the choice to cooperate. It applies to situations where several people have to make decisions, and the outcome will also depend on the decisions made by everyone else. Well, as is often the case in real life. These situations were theorized namely by American mathematician John Nash, whom you might remember from Hollywood movie «A beautiful mind» (one where Russell Crowe is not a gladiator). Cooperate or betray? To forgive or to punish? Which is better for you? Come and figure it out. It’s only up to you to decide. Or is it?

Tom Lenaerts

Tom Lenaerts is Professor in the Computer Science department of the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), where he is co-heading the Machine Learning Group (MLG). MLG targets machine learning, AI and behavioural intelligence research focusing on time series analysis, causal and network inference, collective decision-making, social AI and behavioural analysis with applications in mobility, medicine, finance and biology. He currently also holds a partial affiliation as research professor with the Artificial Intelligence Lab of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and is affiliated researcher with the Center for Human-Compatible AI at UC Berkeley. He is Chair of the Benelux Association for Artificial Intelligence, the main representing entity for academic AI research in the region, and expert in the Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence.  He has worked in a variety of interdisciplinary domains and has co-authored many internationally published papers in AI, machine learning, optimisation, collective intelligence, computational biology and bioinformatics, aiming to answer theoretical and practical questions within computer, social, biological and medical sciences.

ALEA(s) (be)

FR - ALEA(s) est un collectif audiovisuel basé à Bruxelles, qui rassemble les talents de l’illustrateur FSTN, du musicien et facteur de synthétiseur Shakmat, et de l’artiste visuel Boris Wilmot. Né de l’envie de proposer une expérience unique et vivante, ALEA(s) délivre des performances improvisées bouillonnantes créées sur le moment, qui mêlent dessin, animation vidéo et musique électronique. Installés au milieu de leur audience, les trois membres s’activent pour créer leur oeuvre, sans filet. Le public observe toutes les étapes de cette création : de l’implication physique de l’illustrateur dans ses dessins, jusqu’au résultat animé hypnotique et incisif projeté en grand, qui enfonce la brêche créée par une musique intense et organique. Les performances d’ALEA(s) sont souvent décrites comme immersives, brutes et denses.

EN - ALEA(s) is an audiovisual collective based in Brussels joining the skills of illustrator FSTN, musician and synth manufacturer Shakmat and visual artist Boris Wilmot. Born from the will to offer a unique live experience, ALEA(s) delivers boiling, improvised performances created from scratch, mixing drawing, live animation and electronic music. Surrounded by their audience, the three members are busy creating their show, without any safety net. While the intense, organic electronic music fills the room, the illustrator’s physical implication in his drawings and the hypnotic animations projected onto the big screen unite to finish this well-rounded show. ALEA(s) performances are often described as immersive, dense and crafted.

Concert avec le soutien du dispositif Extras de Court-Circuit et de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles